River City Reading

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Schroder: A Novel

Schroder - Amity Gaige Erik Schroder abandoned his German identity as a teenager and adopted the Camelot surname to become Erik Kennedy, a choice that would follow him through adulthood. As a stay at home dad, he develops a close bond with his young daughter, Meadow, but loses the connection he once had with his wife. Following their separation and custody battle, Erik takes Meadow on a trip that will eventually lead to the unraveling of his carefully designed life.

Schroder had me weighing several issues back and forth. Can someone still be a good person if they set out with good intentions, but are continuously hurting the people they love? Especially if there is self-interest at the center of that hurt? I was battling with my feelings toward Erik throughout the whole novel. I couldn't help but feel bad for him at several points, as it was clear he desperately loved his daughter. However, his interest was so focused on piecing together this perfect life that he ended up designing negative situations for himself.

Most of Schroder is not pleasant, even a little painful to read. But Gaige's narrative style works well and there are some great moments between Erik and Meadow, particularly nearing the end of their journey. Definitely a story worth reading.

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